Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wednesday, November 21

Breakfast was good today again, but she's much more protective of her food. She ate more bananas, yogurt, and cheerios. She liked Bryant's blueberry muffin too. There is nothing on our agenda today, so we will hang out here in the room most of the time. There is a McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Wal-Mart just a short distance away, so maybe this afternoon, we'll go walking. Our local guide is hopefully scurrying around, successfully doing our paperwork today. He'll update us tonight when he checks in with us.

Today, she has been chattery for the first time - she meows like a kitten and says "Nihau" when she waves at us, this means "hello". She started giving the boys five yesterday. She likes to pinch the boys' fingers and yell "ow". She laughs hard when the boys bark like dogs, so we are sure she will love Dayton's little yippy dog sounds. Alex has gotten her to say "momma" and "bappa" (Chinese word for Daddy). We've had problems with her having some wicked bloody noses, but hopefully, those are just because of the dry air and won't last long. She likes wrestling with the boys and giggles all the time. Peek-A-Boo is also a big favorite. Bathtime yesterday was not so good, but we're sure that will be a project to work on. Now, we've got her drawing and doing some quiet things. She is very smart and watches everything around her. She loves rubbing on the sheets and blankets with her hands. She does not understand sippy cups and makes a horrible mess when she gulps milk down from a regular glass, so we have regressed to a bottle with a large opening in the nipple. She was probably potty trained, but we are having to learn her gestures, so we are in diapers/pull-ups again for our sanity (and her comfort). She is a sweet little girl who we already love very much.

We wish you all infectious giggles too, so have attached a video to let you share in our fun.

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