Sunday, October 31, 2010

Elle as a Butterfly

I didn't really think about it until much later - not when we put it in the cart, not even when she tried it on for the first time. It came to me later, when she was flashing her wings, disappointed that she couldn't fly in her butterfly costume.

Miss Elle's favorite book from the very beginning of her time with us was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". To this day, she can recite it to you word for word. In that book, a tiny caterpillar journeys through life and becomes a beautiful butterfly. She is much like that. I remember how TERRIFIED (and that's putting it mildly) she was of us those first few days. The deep sadness in her eyes and the mournful cries she made were beyond gut-wrenching.

Over time, she has grown and blossomed. Learning new things, having new adventures. This week, she was a butterfly for Halloween. Very fitting, don't you think? She is not able to fly yet, and that's ok with this mom. Maybe someday, when she is ready, I'll be a little more prepared to let her try out her wings!

Halloween 2010

Must be Buzz LightYear's "alter-ego".... Dayton thought it was cool :-)
Elle working on her smile so she can get extra candy for just being cute.
Grampa and his favorite "girl".
Dayton demonstrating how his wings work. Notice Bryant and Conlee sorting through the stash on Grama's table, picking out their loot.
Conlee and Elle taking some goodies. Grama makes them take one "healthy thing" and then, one treat. Grampa gets whatever is left over.
Dayton, Elle, and Conlee.
Dayton, Elle, and Conlee.
Dayton, Elle, and Conlee.
Alex, Dayton, Morgan, Conlee, Elle, and Bryant. Hmmm, in this photo, Alex appears to be taller than Bryant. Interesting....
Ranelle taking the kids up to a door for some goodies.
Fighting over who rings the doorbell. I happened at EVERY STOP!
Hear come the treats! THANK YOU!
Elle at the nursing home when we stopped to visit with Grandma, Ann, and Granny.
Another stop for more goodies. Dayton got the doorbell this time.
Certainly not the last stop, but the last one when there was light! Now, time to sort through the goodies. Mom's pile is chocolate and everyone else can have what's left over. Afterall, chocolate is good for the soul.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Brett Favre

Regardless of the reality of the clip, I find it interesting how everyone else ignores him rolling around on the ground :-)