Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Its Been Forever....

... Facebook has taken over my means of "communication" and sharing photos.  I apologize to any of the remaining people who have EVER looked at this blog and wondered if we evaporated into oblivion in the last year.  We have not.  We are still here.  Life is still wild, crazy, busy, and usually insane - but, it is good.  I would not change how things have turned out.

We are fast approaching the five year mark since we brought ElleAnna home to her family.  Sometimes, it seems like it was just yesterday as we listened to her heartbroken cries as she wept for the life she had lost.  We had no way to communicate with her, just be patient, love her, feed her candy :-) and hope that she came around.  Most days though, it seems like she has ALWAYS been with us.  That there never was a time without her giggles and mind boggling questions. 

Maybe... maybe... I need to let her write a post to share here?  What do you think?