Monday, August 10, 2009

Elle's Pedicure

ElleAnna went to my parents the last week of July wearing a pretty, bright colored nail polish. My dad commented that he liked it and that he wished his nails were like that. My sweet daughter informed him that her big brother's toenails were pink - She'd already given him a pedicure. Grampa asked her if she could give him one too. Of course, she went on then to help him decide what color he wanted... SOOOO, she didn't forget.
The next time she went there, she had her sparkly blue polish with her. Grampa got his toenails all painted and even one of his hands. My mom probably doesn't even have a bottle of remover in the house, so my dad was stuck for several days. He even went to the rodeo with blue fingernails - and I think EVERYONE noticed. What a sport! Almost reminds me of the time that my sister and I put rollers in his hair. :-) I may have to find that photo and share it here with you. Thank goodness my parents don't have a computer or internet access!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lego Art

ElleAnna Writing Rodger's Note

Elle's Note

On our trip, we spent time with a great friend. We took over his house and yard for several days - which I'm sure his neighbors celebrated our departure. ElleAnna was horribly concerned that Rodger would not know where we'd gone when he returned home from work. She also wanted to surprise him with a clean house, so she wrote him a note and put it on the fridge for him.

Vacation 2009

Our vacations are relaxing. We usually go to Colorado and spend time with terrific friends there. We do school shopping, play putt-putt golf, eat wonderful food, do more school shopping, and eat still more great food. We laugh so hard that we cry (ask Alex about the married waitress) and we enjoy ourselves.
This summer was a good vacation - Our plans were sped up by a week or two because of the rain clouds in the previous post. It made it impossible to finish harvesting wheat, so we left for a few days. It was still fun and relaxing for all of us.

July Clouds

These were amazing - Frightening and Ominous, but amazing.

Elle and her Animals

Elle lines up her animals and then reads to them, just like Mary does. She also has them play duck, duck, goose... If you can imagine...

Elle and Taz

This is Elle and the crazy cat named Taz. They have become fast friends. I am so glad that he likes being outside as much as he likes being inside though - makes for much less stress!

More Harvest Photos

I'm slow, late, and behind - as usual. These are some more shots from wheat harvest. Certainly nothing as terrific as the shots that Teena took for us, but that's ok. You still get the general idea :-).

Saturday, August 8, 2009


There is a family who traveled to China to pick up their four year old daughter. Once there, they learned that she had been taking medications for TB for the last two months. Our government, in its infinite wisdom, has a new regulation effective July 1 that prevents the Scruggs' from bringing their daughter home with them. How devastating and unfathomable! Please keep them in your prayers. I keep thinking of Elle and her broken leg that we discovered the first day we met her. It was not documented on any of her paperwork... If anyone had wanted to be nasty, it had the potential to keep us from bringing her home too. I cannot even imagine the nightmare that this family is experiencing! Sometimes, its all so unfair! - Follow their story here!