Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alex's Last "Regular" Basketball Game for the Season

Tonight was Alex's last regular game of the season. Next week, they will have the tournament. He made 8 points in the B-Team game and at least two points in the A-Team game (plus four fouls). He had a good night. Here's pix of Elle enjoying her traditional concession stand supper (hot dog). There is also a photo of Alex (number 24) doing a lay up. Tomorrow is our fourth night of basketball this week.... on we go... more hot dogs, high fives, nacho pies, Elle's personal fan club of girls who come sit with us to read books, blue powerade, and Elle's new favorite discovery - Reece's Peanut Butter Cups.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Today Marks 10 Weeks With ElleAnna in Our Family

The top photo is the first picture that we ever saw of the little girl who would become our daughter. It was taken in November of 2006. The second photo, of her in the orange sweater, was taken the first day we met her - November 19, 2007. The last photo was taken this afternoon. Isn't it mind boggling how much she has changed and grown already?

The most amazing thing is that today is the 10 week anniversary of ElleAnna coming into our family. She is a wild little girl with a hearty appetite, cute puppy barks, haunting eyes, strong will, warm hugs, perfect circle drawings, sweet kisses, and an ever growing English vocabulary. We have been richly blessed by having her in our lives and we hope and pray that we can give her all the love and support that she needs. Thank you for following our journey - I am sure there is much more to come. Keep tagging along!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Scattered Thoughts - Sunday, January 27

Another week of insanity is almost ready to begin. Tomorrow, Alex has an away game but Daddy also has class, so I am pretty sure that we'll not be driving to see Alex play. Tuesday, Bryant's game is at home. Wednesday, Daddy has class again and Mommy may have choir practice (we'll see, NO promises!). Thursday, Alex has another away game but we'll be there cheering in the stands this time. Friday, Bryant has an away basketball game. Saturday is another forensics meet and I imagine that I'll have to go as a judge/driver. Ken will go as a coach and Bryant wil go as a team member. Alex and Elle will be home alone on Saturday. That is frightening when you look at the first two photos posted above. They were taken on Monday. This is what happens when she is at home with them and no parents are present - not sure that its good. She has always put stickers on her face, but these are a bit larger sized not to mention that they are in her hair. Bryant and Alex found it funny enough to take photos to share with me....

The other pix I have shared with you above are from the past week. After the "staying home with the boys" photos are two from Bryant's rough basketball game on Tuesday. He is number 51 under the goal, in the white uniform. I know its blurry, but I am having lots of problems making our camera work in the weird gym lighting. This is one of the first that I've ever taken where it doesn't look like we are in a dark dungeon. Elle and Chaylee are working on circles in the photo below that. They entertain each other in the stands. The final two photos above were taken last night after baths.

As a side note, Andy Stanton met Gabe at about 4:30am our time today. They have photos posted on their blog and seem to be doing really well. Congratulations to Andy, Dana, Jackson, Grace, and to Gabe as well.

We hope your week goes well! Thanks for sharing our wild ride with us!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stanton Family Journey

Some of you may remember Andy, but might not realize that he is in China right now. He will meet the newest member of their family, a little boy named Gabe, on Sunday evening. You can follow their journey at:

I asked Andy if he had some extra time if he could see about getting Elle a new pair of squeaky shoes. Hers are getting a little snug and it will be sad to not hear them running across the gym floor anymore. We pray that he has a safe, smooth trip and that he is home with Gabe soon! I am sure that Gabe's new Mommy, big brother Jackson, and big sister, Grace, will be very excited to see him.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My new high score...

... is 233,119 and I made it into level seven. My IQ was 98.

Test Your Geography

The first time I did it, I scored 143,152 and made it to level five. My IQ was 88. Sometimes, I was less than 100 miles from the actual location, and other times, I was about 5000 miles off.... The second time, I scored 184,995 and made it to level six. I had an IQ of 93. The problem was that I thought one said "Austria" and it was "Australia", so that threw me off REALLY badly. I knew more of them than I thought I did though. Just copy and paste this to get there. For some reason, I cannot make it work as a link. Have Fun!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Look What She is Adding to Her Circles

I did not do this - and I didn't even see it until she was done. Lately, Elle has been adding "eyes", "nose", "mouth", "ears", and "hair" to her circles. Tonight, she did it while I was sitting on the couch and she was working in her notebook at the coffee table. I heard her saying the words, so I just figured it would be the squiggles in the circle again, but guess what I saw!! She was so proud!

Who knows if she will do it again any time soon, but this was great!!

Pix as I Promised

She lines up all of her animals and then, counts them. If someone moves one out of their spot, she does NOT appreciate it... I will see if I can get some more photos later today and add them also. Hopefully, that will get me out of trouble with some of you who believe that I've been slacking on my posts. :-)

Another Family from our Travel Group

In our China travel group, there were a total of six families. Three families were adopting non-special needs children. Three of us were adopting children with medical conditions (special needs). All six children adopted were girls. ElleAnna was the oldest (born in March of 2005) with two of the other girls born later in 2005. Two of the little girls had birthdays in 2006 and one was born in 2007. Of the special needs children, one had a hole in her heart that had been surgically repaired but would require follow up. Elle has a repaired cleft lip/palate which will also require monitoring and further surgeries. The other little girl, Tammy, also had cleft lip/palate, but it had not been corrected yet. She was always happy and such a sweet little girl!

Tammy and her new family have been seeing physicians since their return to the states. The doctors have been concerned because her cleft is quite severe and it will require multiple operations to correct. Her first surgery happened last week - to repair her lip and form her nose. She has had a tough time and does not appreciate the discomfort of the arm braces (to keep her from touching her face) or the problems trying to drink from a bottle when she has stints in her nostrils. We hope and pray that her recovery is uncomplicated and speedy. It is wonderful that she has a loving, patient family to help her get through it! I don't know how much her parents will keep up the blog now that they are busy, but here is their site - We are anxious to see how much she has changed! In about three months, the next steps will be even more difficult, however, because they anticipate it taking at least two surgeries to repair her palate.

Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. I know how it felt when Alex had his eye surgeries - you felt so helpless. You knew that the things you were doing were right, but it didn't make them much easier. I am glad that he doesn't remember it. I hope that is true for Tammy and also for Elle. I hope neither one of these little girls recall these earlier surgeries. I often wonder how hard Elle's recovery was given that she only had her orphanage family. We imagine what she looked like before her repairs - would we even recognize her if we were to ever see a photo?

Tammy's mother and I have talked about the surgeries our girls will require a few years from now. They will be old enough by then to remember, and to worry, and to fret about the procedures. Even though these now are difficult, the operations still to come will be worse!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Basketball, Basketball, and can you say Basketball?

Its been a week of basketball games.... Tonight will be our third evening this week of "bleacher butt" as we fondly call it. Tuesday, Thursday, and tonight were/are all games at home which made it much easier. Tomorrow, Alex could play in a tournament also, but he isn't sounding real excited about it. He will probably be on the bench most of the time and he's the kind of guy that isn't happy unless he is in the thick of the game. Its in a town about three hours away which adds to his reluctance.

I don't have any photos to add to this blog entry - mostly because the camera does not work well with the gym lighting (and that's the only place we've been). I promise to add some pix over the weekend!

Monday, January 14, 2008

8 Weeks with Elle - Drawing Circles

8 weeks ago today, Elle came to our family. It is amazing how much she has grown and changed during that time! Here are photos from last night - She was very carefully drawing circles. Earlier in the day, she was drawing them while we were in church. She was trying to add eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hair to the circles which was fun. She uses her left and right hands equally, but tends to color/write with her left hand more often. Notice her legs in the second photo. I'll have to post some of her human pretzel pictures another day. I think she could give the Beijing Acrobats a run for their money!

A Few More Questions

Here are a few more -

Does she speak Chinese?
The answer is yes, we have heard her count and say other things in Chinese. We know a few phrases/words, but unfortunately, not nearly enough to help her maintain her Chinese language. When she is chattering or singing, we are pretty sure that its Chinese and not just babble. We are very sad that Elle is probably losing her native language however....

Is Ken doing better?
Yes, Ken is totally back to normal (whatever that means for him - SMILE). He spent four days in the hospital and the next week, at home. Once they took him off two of his medications on the 7th of December, he started feeling better again. He was glad for the Christmas break though so he could get all recuperated.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Posting Comments Here

I keep forgetting to mention that posting comments on this blog is only slightly complicated. I know lots of you tried while we were in China and they never came through. The snag is that I set up some checkpoints for comments. The reason being is that "spam" can come through and end up on the blog such as posts about cheap airline tickets, ads for Viagra, and all kinds of things.

First, you'll need to give your e-mail address and create a password to post a comment. Its simple, easy, and painless. I have to review and approve the posts as well before they get online just as a doublecheck. Its not a big deal, but I have had bad experiences with blogs where posts can just "appear" without any supervision, so these two steps make the problems less likely.

Sorry if you have not been able to post comments in the past, but I have approved all of them that we've gotten.... so if yours aren't here, something must have gone wrong with your e-mail and password step. Try again!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We've Been Home for Six Weeks

Can you believe it? We've been home from China for six weeks today. Sometimes, I think the time has FLOWN by and I have no idea where it went. At other times, it seems to have drawn out at a snail's pace. I do know that its hard to remember life before Elle came to our family. She is a perfect fit and I cannot even fathom how amazing God is to have placed her with us. He guided every step, every piece of mail, every hand, every phone call and e-mail, every movement in two countries to be sure that she became our daughter.

Many people have told me that she has already changed so much since the first photos they saw of her in China. I think we would have to agree. Physically and in every other way, she has already grown up and become her own little person. Here are some questions that seem to be very common when people ask us about her. I have listed the answers as best I can.

Are baths still a struggle?
Baths used to be REALLY bad, but they are getting much, much better. Now the only part she doesn't like is washing her hair, but what little kid likes that? Most of the time, that's ok now too, but if she is tired or grumpy she is less tolerant. She also thinks any water hotter than lukewarm is torture.

What is she afraid of?
Not too much anymore. Self-flushing toilets, sometimes the vacuum.

Does she eat well?
Yes, we've never really had any problems getting her to eat. Some foods like vegetables have been hard to get her to try, but she doesn't mind them now. She especially likes bananas, yogurt, apple juice, chips with dip, spaghetti, burritoes, pizza, ketchup, chicken nuggets, French Fries, frosting, and nerds. We avoid peanut butter and popcorn though because of the hole in the roof of her mouth.

Does she sleep in her own bed?
Yes, she sleeps in her own bed. We usually rock her to sleep at about 9 or 9:30 each evening. She falls asleep pretty quickly and sleeps all night long.

Did she know any English before you got her?

Does she speak and understand English?
She is a very sharp little girl. I cannot really think of a time when she didn't understand us. The sign language book helped a lot. She says lots of things. She can count and sorts objects by color. She will tell you what animals say. She says almost everyone's names, including Conlee and Dayton. She certainly has no trouble letting us know what she wants and DOESN'T want.

Did she live with a foster family in China?
No, she has lived in an orphanage all her life.

Does she still prefer one of us over the others?
No, but like everyone else, she has her favorite friend on any given day.

Did the boys have a good time in China?
Yes. They really don't have any valid complaints other than the beds were too small. That seems trivial to us now though.

What toys does she like?
Elmo, Elmo, and Elmo. She likes her telephones, stickers, and her pompoms. She enjoys her dollies and all kinds of other things.

Is she doing well at day care?
Yes, she is. She likes Judy and is adjusting well. We're glad that she has a good place to go and that there are nice kids for her to play with there. Ken drops her off in the morning and I pick her up in the afternoon.

Is it different having a girl in the house?
Well, not really because she is as wild as the boys. She does like to have her nails painted and barrettes put in her hair. She likes pretty clothes. She does, however, enjoy sledding and sports. She loves dancing and doing what is probably martial art moves. She giggles a lot and loves having fun.
That ought to about cover it.... If I think of some others, I will add them later. Enjoy the photos from tonight. We always have to take one with their mouths open.... Its become a tradition now. If I can get one good one, I have to do an "ah" picture too.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

More Photos From China

I got the 35mm pictures back over the weekend, so here are some more photos from our trip. These were all taken in Beijing. The first is what a NICE "squatty potty" looks like in China. Essentially, its a toilet that is flat on the floor, so you "squat" to use it. Some were not this clean and some had no form around them, it was only the hole. Note the mop in the back. Most of the time, unless you were desperate, you waited for a location with an American toilet or else, held onto yourself until you got back to the hotel.
The other photos are of the Forbidden City, TianAnMen Square, and the Summer Palace. The brown rock looking things in the fourth picture are actually ancient trees at the Forbidden City. They were several thousand years old. AMAZING!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Elle's papers came today - and they show she is officially a citizen of the United States. She also got a letter from President Bush (no, I didn't see any misspelled words, but I wouldn't be surprised) welcoming her to our country. You'll see three photos above. The first two are of the Citizenship Certificate and the third is with Bush's letter. We've already re-adopted her in our state even though its not technically required. This will get her a new birth certificate. Once that arrives, we can go apply for her social security card. Don't you love U.S. Government red tape?

She also went to the babysitter all day today - for the first time. She did well and only cried for a little while after Daddy dropped her off. She's going a hundred miles an hour tonight, so we know she is doing fine.

Alex is convinced that she spelled her name for him this evening while she was watching him do his homework. Evidently, she seemed to think he was writing her name on the paper, so HE CLAIMS she said "E, L, L, E, Elle" while she was pointing at the page. I don't know because she didn't do it again when we tried a second time.... She is smart, but Alex also has a very vivid imagination.

Here's hoping your week is a good one as ours has started off pretty great!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Elle continues to amaze us with what she knows and how well she understands what is going on around us. Earlier this week, she wanted her fingernails painted again, so I was putting purple polish on them. She was blowing on them to help them dry. I told Alex not to mention "painting toenails" and I only said it one time. The words had barely come out of my mouth when her little foot plopped up on the coffee table. We've never said the word "toenails" before. I've painted her fingernails several times, but never her toenails. She has never seen mine painted even. How in the world did she know what we were talking about?

In the photos above, she is lining up her babies and her favorite man, ELMO, for their feedings. Her language skills keep improving. She is learning more and more words every day and they are becoming more clear. Even when she doesn't verbalize something though, she obviously is aware of what we are asking her. We've made it the last two days without a diaper and she is proud of herself. I had to trim her bangs last night because they were bothering her too much. I have no doubt that her hair has never been this long before!
Tomorrow night, we have High School basketball games again, so she'll need to have her kelly green clothes ready. Then, one last weekend before everyone goes back to school on Monday - and Elle goes to day care!! Keep us in your prayers, especially Elle as I'm sure its going to be tough for her at first. I am glad that Judy is patient though and will be able to help Elle get through the rough times.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome 2008!

Greetings to you from 2008. So many things will be happening this year! Dayton will have his second birthday in less than a week. It will be the year Elle turns 3 and Conlee turns six. Alex will get his learners permit to drive (GOD HELP US). Elle will experience the fun of her first MidWest wheat harvest - her first combine ride! Ken will begin his fifth school year as a teacher. This fall, Alex will start the 8th grade, Bryant will be a Sophomore, and Elle will likely begin pre-school. As the year closes, Bryant will turn 16. Mom? What big events will she have in 2008? She'll just try to get by without gaining too many more gray hairs.

Actually, I'm not hoping for anything earth shattering in 2008. I just want everyone to be healthy and happy, the cars and appliances to keep running without any costly repairs, nobody to be in any trouble at school or work, everyone to get a little smarter each day, and things to go by smoothly. It would be nice to win the Powerball also, but we're not holding our breath, just buying tickets. We don't want the hassle of the millions. The $200,000 prize would be just right. It would get us debt free, a new car, some money for the kids' college funds, and help us to start on a bigger house. That would be good in 2008, right?

Here are some fun photos from last night's New Year's Celebration at my sister's house. ENJOY and may God bless you in the new year!