Well, today was spent seeing sights around Guangzhou. We ate breakfast and left the hotel at 9:30am with five other families. The streets here aren't quite as crazy, but still crazy enough. We first went to the Temple where we were blessed by a Buddhist priest. It was neat to know that they love their children enough to wish them well with their new families. After that we went to a Government store where they had jade, pearls, silks, and other fine items. We headed to a beautiful park after that.
When we got back to the hotel, everyone went their separate ways for the rest of the day. We walked around and did manage to find lots of neat things, but bought very little.
Tomorrow is our Consulate Appointment or CA. Our guide has all of our paperwork and documents. She will take it to the US Consulate at 10am tomorrow to present them with the items. We are to remain in our room until 12noon in the event that she needs to call us to clarify anything. She believes it will go smoothly, but did warn us that there could be a problem. Last Monday, when I first helped ElleAnna go to the bathroom, we found multiple scars on her right, upper leg. It seems that another child at the orphanage kicked her and severely broke her femur in June of this year. The injury has healed, but obviously was not on any of our paperwork in the referral packet and it was a total surprise to us. We have accepted her this way, but the US Consulate may have questions about that. If they do, we pray that they can be satisfied just with Ken and I telling them that its ok, and then, they can proceed with her Immigration and Citizenship paperwork, with no delays. Please pray that for us and ElleAnna as well. We don't want any hassles about this unexpected issue as we love ElleAnna just the same.
Right now, Elle is taking a nap. After she fell asleep Ken went to play pool and ping-pong with the boys who left a little while ago. Elle doesn't like me very much, but if she is asleep, she will never know that her daddy is gone.... Maybe someday she will decide that I'm ok.... I hope so....
Hi girl!!!! Lil'Miss Elle is absolutely precious!!! Can't WAIT to meet her!!!!
HUGS from the middle of KS!
Myndee and the rest of the Reed bunch!!
Michelle and all:
Sounds like you are all having a great time. I'm glad to see that Elle has her daddy wrapped around her little finger already!
When you get back, I'll want to pick your brain to see how you entertained a 2 year old on the flight back home.
Andy Stanton
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