Friday, November 9, 2007

Today is Friday, November 9

We learned last night that there are two other special needs families and three non-special needs families from our agency who will be with us in China. We will all be in Beijing together for the first few days, then will go our separate ways to pick up our children at their perspective province. We will meet up again in Guangzhou for the final few days of our trip - including the Consulate Appointments. It will be neat to have companions, but it will also take a load off our agency when we are all together.

This afternoon, I will talk with our adoption coordinator about our travel plan details. We will review what documents to take, who will be meeting us at each location, what to expect at each appointment, and how the next two weeks will unfold. Then, as a family, we will spend the weekend finalizing the packing lists and seeing what all we can stuff into each suitcase. :-)

Its hard to believe that there are so few days left before we fly out! We have today, tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday. Tuesday, we will load up the car and head to Denver. We'll figure out where is the best place to park the car at the airport, eat supper with a tremendously wonderful friend (yes, that's you, Rodger), and then, try to sleep for a few hours at a hotel before catching our 6am flight on Wednesday.

On the 19th, we will meet our daughter - can you believe it? WOW! Its getting closer every day! Hang on Little E - Mommy, Daddy, and your two big brothers are on their way!

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