Friday, November 30, 2007

Friday the 30th

Elle had a tough time going to sleep last night, and now, she doesn't want to wake up. Once we can get her around, we will head to see Daddy. Its about a 70 minute drive. The weather is supposed to turn really terrible later tonight, so we'll want to be back home before dark. He is to have a doppler done today as the swelling and infection is in the same arm as his blood clot (which happened several years ago). They want to be sure that there aren't new blockages and that the old clot is not becoming problematic. He says they have done two of the IV doses now. The swelling has now progressed into his fingers... I wanted him to give me good news this morning when we talked, but he didn't have any....

Please keep us in your prayers - it certainly is not the way it the way we had imagined life to be once we got home from China. Please pray that the antibiotics begin to work and that there is no long term damage to the tissue. We are grateful for your words of encouragement, prayers, and offers of support as its been a trying 36 hours, with a long ways still to go.... Thanks!

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