Monday, December 31, 2007

Last Day of 2007

Today is Monday, December 31. The last day of 2007. Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that the year has already passed and at other moments, it seems like it drug on FOREVER. We are thrilled and overjoyed with the changes in our family in the past year. We anxiously look forward to many wonderful things in 2008. We love seeing the sparkle in Elle's eye as she learns something new or experiences a "first time". Its great to watch her tease her brothers. Her language skills are blossoming - lately, its all about "Elmo". Its fun to see her light up when she tries on a new shirt and she'll tell you "ooo, pretty". She is full of giggles and laughter (most of the time).

It was neat this morning to tell her to go in their room and wake them up. We didn't know if she would because it was dark in there (and their room is never safe), but when I checked, she was up by Bryant's head with her hand on his shoulder, talking to him quietly. It was super sweet. Of course, when it was Alex's turn, she climbed on him and bounced up and down :-).

Bryant and Alex have January pretty well full of basketball games. Ken starts teaching a new EMS class tomorrow, plus he will begin working with his speech/forensics students to get them prepared for their first meet in late January. Elle and I will just try to get by and not get too lost in the shuffle.

We wish you and your families the best in 2008! Enjoy it because it will be gone like a flash and soon, we'll all be wondering where it went!

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