Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1

When I talked to Ken this morning, he said that the swelling in the upper part of his arm seems to be less today, but that his fingers are puffy again.... Elle is doing really well. She met Grampa and Grama yesterday - she liked Grama's M & M candies! The boys didn't even realize that she was eating them, only that her hands and lips were a little discolored when she was playing with them later! Smart Girl - eat your chocolate carefully/quietly and you don't have to share :-).

We went to Target last night for Epson salt (Alex has infected spots on his hands) and Elle got some little plastic animals (a panda and a puppy). We had to feed them cheerios and milk last night before bed! She slept extremely and didn't even cry for five minutes. She did fall out of bed this morning however, and hardwood floors are not a soft landing.

We'll probably stay home at least until later today given the ice and moisture outside. I'm not much into packing three kids (even though one is 6'2) into the car and venturing out in this kind of weather. We know that Ken is safe and can advocate for himself, so if it clears off, we'll go up later.

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