Greetings and Merry Christmas to you from our family!
We had a nice evening last night. Ken called my parents on the radio and they talked to Elle and Dayton. Both had to run to the door to see Grama and Grampa pull into the yard. It was too cute!
Conlee got a camera and had to take pictures of everyone. His probably turned out better than mine! The three big boys each got a Nintendo DS from Grama. Dayton got a John Deere Gator which he promptly tore the front rack off of (he watches Grampa too much we think). Elle got a sock coin purse and stickers from Grama/Grampa. There is a shopping cart coming too (back ordered) - which I know she will love because she found Conlee's last night from several Christmases ago and was using it. She got a neat Princess Bunny, Harley Davidson shirt, Red Jammies, and Dora Phone from my sister's family.
After the festivities, we went to the Christmas Eve program at church. Elle and her two big brothers took Baby Jesus to the manger at the beginning of the service. Elle sucked down her water and kept belching really loud. She also wanted to blow out the candle Daddy was holding after the Communion was over.
Santa came while we slept (some of us slept more than others, no comment) and so, Elle had even more gifts this morning. See her modeling her new slippers, new coat, holding her John Deere shirt and wearing the pink John Deere hat.
We are so blessed and still not done celebrating today. Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support for our family in 2007. It has been a wonderful year and we look forward to many laughs and awesome experiences in 2008.
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