Monday, October 13, 2008

Photos So Far This Week

Not sure why Conlee has "bug eyes", but its still a cute photo...

Bryant, Conlee, ElleAnna, Dayton, and Alex

Spirit Week at the Junior High - So, Alex dressed in drag. At first, I thought Elle would be frightened, but she loved the wigs. This is her Hannah Montana look, while sitting next to Executive Alexa (AKA Alex). As the bus pulled into the driveway, Alex realized that he should have used the brown wig, wore his glasses instead of contacts, and gone as Sarah Palin... He missed his chance!
Elle looks more like Cousin It than Hannah Montana in this photo... Check out Alex's pretty red nailpolish :-).
Here she is with another wig on.

Elle with an 80's hairdo - standing next to her Daddy who was also dressed as a woman.

Elle with dred locks.Elle in a short blonde one.

Elle with a cute, longer bob hairdo.


The JV Game tonight - Bryant is 60 in these photos. In the green uniform (of course). We didn't win, but we certainly put up a good fight.


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