Monday, October 13, 2008

LID - 27 Months Ago Yesterday

For those of you following the International Adoption issues in the news, you will realize that things have gotten very complicated on many levels. China, in particular, has encountered lots of bumps that were previously not a problem with them. One of the biggest snags has become their increasing wait time that was once only a few months, which has now stretched into years.

We sent our original paperwork to do an adoption with the Chinese government in June of 2006. Our LID (log in date) was July 12, 2006. At that time, we were told the wait would be about a year before received a referral of a non-special needs child. NOT! For all kinds of reasons, we opted to switch our paperwork to a special needs child, and have obviously adopted ElleAnna.

The families who were LID with us on July 12, 2006 are STILL WAITING for a referral. In fact, the Chinese government has only made referrals of families with LIDs up to February 16, 2006. Based on the delays, if we were still waiting, estimates right now are that we would get a non-special needs referral in November of 2010. Can you imagine? A total wait of over four years (assuming that its an accurate estimation).

I cannot even fathom not having ElleAnna (first of all), but I hate to imagine what all the families are going through that are still waiting for the first glipse of their children. You are in our prayers, and Elle's too as every night, she prays that all the little boys and girls who used to live with PanSuo find Mommies, Daddies, and families of their own.

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