Can you believe it? We've been home from China for six weeks today. Sometimes, I think the time has FLOWN by and I have no idea where it went. At other times, it seems to have drawn out at a snail's pace. I do know that its hard to remember life before Elle came to our family. She is a perfect fit and I cannot even fathom how amazing God is to have placed her with us. He guided every step, every piece of mail, every hand, every phone call and e-mail, every movement in two countries to be sure that she became our daughter.
Many people have told me that she has already changed so much since the first photos they saw of her in China. I think we would have to agree. Physically and in every other way, she has already grown up and become her own little person. Here are some questions that seem to be very common when people ask us about her. I have listed the answers as best I can.
Are baths still a struggle?
Baths used to be REALLY bad, but they are getting much, much better. Now the only part she doesn't like is washing her hair, but what little kid likes that? Most of the time, that's ok now too, but if she is tired or grumpy she is less tolerant. She also thinks any water hotter than lukewarm is torture.
What is she afraid of?
Not too much anymore. Self-flushing toilets, sometimes the vacuum.
Does she eat well?
Yes, we've never really had any problems getting her to eat. Some foods like vegetables have been hard to get her to try, but she doesn't mind them now. She especially likes bananas, yogurt, apple juice, chips with dip, spaghetti, burritoes, pizza, ketchup, chicken nuggets, French Fries, frosting, and nerds. We avoid peanut butter and popcorn though because of the hole in the roof of her mouth.
Does she sleep in her own bed?
Yes, she sleeps in her own bed. We usually rock her to sleep at about 9 or 9:30 each evening. She falls asleep pretty quickly and sleeps all night long.
Did she know any English before you got her?
Does she speak and understand English?
She is a very sharp little girl. I cannot really think of a time when she didn't understand us. The sign language book helped a lot. She says lots of things. She can count and sorts objects by color. She will tell you what animals say. She says almost everyone's names, including Conlee and Dayton. She certainly has no trouble letting us know what she wants and DOESN'T want.
Did she live with a foster family in China?
No, she has lived in an orphanage all her life.
Does she still prefer one of us over the others?
No, but like everyone else, she has her favorite friend on any given day.
Did the boys have a good time in China?
Yes. They really don't have any valid complaints other than the beds were too small. That seems trivial to us now though.
What toys does she like?
Elmo, Elmo, and Elmo. She likes her telephones, stickers, and her pompoms. She enjoys her dollies and all kinds of other things.
Is she doing well at day care?
Yes, she is. She likes Judy and is adjusting well. We're glad that she has a good place to go and that there are nice kids for her to play with there. Ken drops her off in the morning and I pick her up in the afternoon.
Is it different having a girl in the house?
Well, not really because she is as wild as the boys. She does like to have her nails painted and barrettes put in her hair. She likes pretty clothes. She does, however, enjoy sledding and sports. She loves dancing and doing what is probably martial art moves. She giggles a lot and loves having fun.
That ought to about cover it.... If I think of some others, I will add them later. Enjoy the photos from tonight. We always have to take one with their mouths open.... Its become a tradition now. If I can get one good one, I have to do an "ah" picture too.
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