Elle continues to amaze us with what she knows and how well she understands what is going on around us. Earlier this week, she wanted her fingernails painted again, so I was putting purple polish on them. She was blowing on them to help them dry. I told Alex not to mention "painting toenails" and I only said it one time. The words had barely come out of my mouth when her little foot plopped up on the coffee table. We've never said the word "toenails" before. I've painted her fingernails several times, but never her toenails. She has never seen mine painted even. How in the world did she know what we were talking about?
In the photos above, she is lining up her babies and her favorite man, ELMO, for their feedings. Her language skills keep improving. She is learning more and more words every day and they are becoming more clear. Even when she doesn't verbalize something though, she obviously is aware of what we are asking her. We've made it the last two days without a diaper and she is proud of herself. I had to trim her bangs last night because they were bothering her too much. I have no doubt that her hair has never been this long before!
Tomorrow night, we have High School basketball games again, so she'll need to have her kelly green clothes ready. Then, one last weekend before everyone goes back to school on Monday - and Elle goes to day care!! Keep us in your prayers, especially Elle as I'm sure its going to be tough for her at first. I am glad that Judy is patient though and will be able to help Elle get through the rough times.
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