Friday, January 11, 2008

Posting Comments Here

I keep forgetting to mention that posting comments on this blog is only slightly complicated. I know lots of you tried while we were in China and they never came through. The snag is that I set up some checkpoints for comments. The reason being is that "spam" can come through and end up on the blog such as posts about cheap airline tickets, ads for Viagra, and all kinds of things.

First, you'll need to give your e-mail address and create a password to post a comment. Its simple, easy, and painless. I have to review and approve the posts as well before they get online just as a doublecheck. Its not a big deal, but I have had bad experiences with blogs where posts can just "appear" without any supervision, so these two steps make the problems less likely.

Sorry if you have not been able to post comments in the past, but I have approved all of them that we've gotten.... so if yours aren't here, something must have gone wrong with your e-mail and password step. Try again!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved the Q/A post. The same questions we got when we returned home with Grace and the ones we'll get next month after returning home with Gabe.

Gracie is also afraid of self-flushing toilets and just really doesn't like "loud" public toilets!
