Another week of insanity is almost ready to begin. Tomorrow, Alex has an away game but Daddy also has class, so I am pretty sure that we'll not be driving to see Alex play. Tuesday, Bryant's game is at home. Wednesday, Daddy has class again and Mommy may have choir practice (we'll see, NO promises!). Thursday, Alex has another away game but we'll be there cheering in the stands this time. Friday, Bryant has an away basketball game. Saturday is another forensics meet and I imagine that I'll have to go as a judge/driver. Ken will go as a coach and Bryant wil go as a team member. Alex and Elle will be home alone on Saturday. That is frightening when you look at the first two photos posted above. They were taken on Monday. This is what happens when she is at home with them and no parents are present - not sure that its good. She has always put stickers on her face, but these are a bit larger sized not to mention that they are in her hair. Bryant and Alex found it funny enough to take photos to share with me....
The other pix I have shared with you above are from the past week. After the "staying home with the boys" photos are two from Bryant's rough basketball game on Tuesday. He is number 51 under the goal, in the white uniform. I know its blurry, but I am having lots of problems making our camera work in the weird gym lighting. This is one of the first that I've ever taken where it doesn't look like we are in a dark dungeon. Elle and Chaylee are working on circles in the photo below that. They entertain each other in the stands. The final two photos above were taken last night after baths.
As a side note, Andy Stanton met Gabe at about 4:30am our time today. They have photos posted on their blog and seem to be doing really well. Congratulations to Andy, Dana, Jackson, Grace, and to Gabe as well.
We hope your week goes well! Thanks for sharing our wild ride with us!
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