Elle got a set of triple bunk beds for Christmas from my parents. They are for her American Girl dolls - Ivy, Mei Mei (Chinese word for younger sister, pronounced like the month May, so its May May), and Di Di (Chinese for baby brother, pronounced like my sister's middle name, Dee Dee). Interestingly enough, you can see who has "invaded" the dolly space. Elle hasn't really noticed it yet. She's pretty protective of her dolls, but also loves Taz a lot. I'm not sure who will win this battle.
.Interestingly, the night Elle got the beds, she was distraught because Ivy had no pajamas. She decided that Ivy was the mommy then, not the big sister. She had Ivy tuck in Mei Mei and Di Di, but the mommy didn't get to rest much because she was taking care of the others. Of course, we had to shut the lights all off and be very quiet so they could all go to sleep. We were then a little pressured to be sure that Ivy had some PJ's too. Good thing Granny is a speedy and terrific seamstress! She quickly took care of that once we found a pattern and some flannel fabric with ladybugs on it. Ivy can now be the big sister and not the mommy :-). Thank goodness!
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