Sunday, September 9, 2007

We'll Know Soon... MAYBE

Friday passed without any contact from our agency, so its probably safe to assume that means the CCAA still has not found our LOI packet - which means the roller coaster ride continues. It would be so much easier if that envelope would just magically appear atop someone's desk :-), but its getting less likely that it will happen that way.

None of us are very sure what the CCAA will do about this, but it is our prayer that they will want to take care of it as quickly and smoothly as possible given that the envelope did disappear while in their hands. We aren't sure if that will mean they will accept the scanned copies that the liaison delivered the other day and proceed with them or if we'll have to re-do some of the items. We will see and I promise to keep you posted.

We feel sad for ourselves, but we also feel sad for the little girl sitting in the orphanage, still without her forever family. She nor her caregivers even realize that there is a group of loving people who are struggling to get her home for hugs, Christmas presents, 4-wheeler rides, wheat harvest in the summer, eating special candy from Grama's purse, bubble baths, football games, snuggling in the warm blankets Granny is making, sledding in the snow, chasing her toe headed cousins, whisker rubs by Grampa, and a million other adventures. Please pray that we can bring E home soon!


1 comment:

Wilma said...

We do continue to pray for you. Sometimes it is really hard to "wait" upon the Lord but we know that He will honor his promises and answer the prayers sent up on your behalf. God Bless, Wilma