Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Today is Day 75 Since We Sent the LOI

We are still waiting.... We had believed that we'd be far beyond this point right now!! When we first sent our LOI in July, it was highly likely that we'd be traveling in September, but October at the latest. People were waiting as few as 21 days for their LOA. Of course, there were folks who had waited 177 days (which I hope I never have to experience as that would be devastating). The average was 65 days wait. We are beyond that now.... so, our original thought of traveling in September/October is not going to happen. September is out of course as its essentially over. October is out because even after the LOA arrives, there are still a few more hoops to get through before we can travel. Now, we are at least hoping for November to have little E in our arms.

Next week is a holiday in China for the Fall Festival, so the government will be shut down for several days. This means that if nothing arrives for us in the next few days, it would be highly unlikely that we hear anything for another week. Rumor is that the CCAA staff are going to work through this weekend to get things at a better place before taking their week off, but nobody knows if that is true or not. Guess we will see.... I keep reminding myself that it will happen when God's timing is right - and He is never wrong!

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