Friday, September 21, 2007

Scattered Thoughts

I took the day off work today to tackle many projects. The main one being that I had saved up some vacation days believing that MAYBE we would be traveling in October. It seems pretty doubtful now that such an event is going to happen, so I have five days to "burn" before October 18. I will put the first coat of paint on the north side of the house this morning. I have some books to return to the library (overdue). For lunch, I'm going to the school to eat with my husband & Alex (its lasagna day and the cooks there are wonderful). In the afternoon, the high school is having a parade and pep rally downtown for homecoming. In the evening, we have a football game, so we will cheer for Bryant and his fellow team members. There is NOTHING like a football game in a small Midwest town!!

As far as the adoption journey goes, we had an amazing experience this week. Some of the ladies/families from our church did a cake and ice cream fundraiser to help with E's expenses. Ken and I were rather embarrassed by the offer, but went along after much arm twisting. And, guess what? It turned out more unbelievable than we could have ever imagined. Our community showered us with love and generosity! We appreciate it all so much - more than we can ever express! The words to say thank you escape me because even the thought of the current $$ amount takes the air out of my lungs, and then, I become speechless. Thank you's will never be enough!

Today marks our 70th day since the LOI (Letter of Intent) was submitted to the CCAA. Reading other information on the internet makes me realize that everything seems to have slowed down. Very, very few special needs families have indicated that they got a LOA (Letter of Approval) or even TA (Travel Approval) this week. I'm not sure what's going on, but I know that we are not alone in this. Many others are waiting too!

We realize that God's timing will be perfect when our LOA finally arrives, then the TA, our plane tickets, traveling, etc. He alone can see what's happening all around the world and He knows why there is a delay. It will all fall into place, eventually. When it does, the time will fly and soon, we will have E here with us. She will be pushing her new dolly around in the stroller (Thank you, Evelyn & Lois); chasing the baby kittens on the front porch; playing in the sink while Daddy tries to wash dishes; eating hot dogs at her brother's ball games; singing the "Happy Birthday" and "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" songs with her toe headed cousins; reading books with Mommy; learning about Oreos and milk with her brother, Bryant; snuggling with the pink John Deere blanket that Granny made; shaking green pompoms as she shouts her brother's names from the bleachers; getting whisker rubs from Grampa; splashing water all over while taking a bath; riding the four wheeler with brother Alex; learning all about this amazing world in which we live; sneaking candy out of the stash in Grama's purse; making new friends; and last, but not least, being the daughter/grand-daughter/niece that our family has never had!


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