Friday, February 19, 2010

I Am Sorry

I am sorry that its been so incredibly long since I posted here. So often, "do a new blog post" has been written on my to do list, and it never comes to be. I have meant well, but obviously, having good intentions is far from enough.

Much has changed since my last entry here - November 2009. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Bryant's birthday, the New Years, and even Valentine's have already come and gone without a blink of the eye. Football season is over, and in fact, tonight is our regular season basketball game already. Life has been busy with school, sports, EMS classes, Forensics Meets, school, work, and more school.... The kids are into their third nine weeks already, so before we know it, summer will be upon us.

I started a new job earlier this month, and am now working out of my car. I am enjoying it along with great co-workers and incredibly amazing patients that we serve.

If you are interested in seeing photos, I plan to post pix here of our trip next month. Bryant and I will be going to the East Coast - Gettysburg, PA; New York City; Washington, D.C. with other high school students and sponsors for about ten days. I am anxious to go as those are places that I have never seen before. Hopefully, I can get some amazing shots and stories to share with you here.

Well, that's probably enough for tonight. I am actually sitting in the stands at a basketball game, my camera is in my purse. I'll have to see if I can get some pix tonight to share. Heaven knows that I have about 1,000 on the computer at home that need to be posted here too from the time lag when I wasn't posting.... SORRY!!


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