Monday, March 2, 2009

Two Special Blogs for You to See....

This family is in China right now. They are adopting a son - from the same province as ElleAnna. I have enjoyed following their blog and "chatting" with them about Shenyang. In fact, today's pictures are rooms where we have been also as we traveled to bring ElleAnna home. Some familiar faces as well. In the Chinese adoption community, the Liaoning Province is not one that referrals come from very often, so its a rare connection that we have.

This young couple doesn't even know me, but I know LC's Mommy's family very well. LC has been through a lot, and still has more battles to fight. Her cute smile is amazing though!

Please feel free to follow these blogs as I do... Families are made in so many ways - Unique and always amazing!

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