There is much sadness in our community. A very strong advocate for our children and our school passed away on Wednesday. He was a really neat man and he will be greatly missed by everyone who ever knew him! Several people in our area have also had some recent medical issues which are causing many of us to be perplexed about the fairness in our world. I will say that we are all doing our best to remain strong and hang in there. We say lots of extra prayers and try to find some sanity wherever we possibly can.
Elle has had some ups and downs this week as any little girl will. We had two nights of high school basketball games. Elle has had the "crud" that is going around. She has had a couple of nights where she (and Mommy/Daddy) got little sleep because of her coughing. She also got shots again on Wednesday. Her babysitter has been on vacation, so Elle spent three days this week with Grama and Grampa. Whenever we talk about them, she drums her fingers on her cheeks because my dad has a beard. She TOTALLY knows what is going on when "Grampa" is even mentioned. The other two days she spent with a couple that I work with. She played with their four children and had a great, great time!
On Monday the 18th, the boys nor Ken have school. Alex is going to babysit for Conlee and Dayton so my sister can go to a workshop. I'm not sure what Bryant and Ken are doing, but Elle and I are going to the Pediatrician for a check-up and more blood tests. We also will have a tympanogram done to see if her hearing has changed (hopefully IMPROVED) since we visited the Cleft Palate/Lip Team in Omaha two months ago. Monday night, Bryant has a basketball game. Its Regionals now, so when our team loses, the season will be done. Otherwise, the week will be filled with the usual craziness (Ken teaching EMS class, Ken's 42nd birthday on Wednesday, Alex's Scholarship Testing, Ken's 6th grader's reading assessments).
Here are some photos of Elle. One is her with some of the helium balloons from Valentine's Day and the other is her outside with the kitty and her Hot Wheel. She doesn't mind the cat as long as he doesn't climb on her :-).
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