Bryant had his final basketball game of the season tonight. We lost by 9 points in a regional game. Daddy had class, so he didn't get to watch. A wild little girl named Elle and her inpatient older brother, Alex, were in the stands though along with Bryant's Mommy. Grampa and Grama were there too. Unfortunately, Bryant spent his evening warming the bench, but we were there just in case. GO BIG GREEN!
We spent a long time at the Pediatrician's Office today - doing lab work, tests, and all kinds of fun stuff, unfortunately, most of it involving needles. Elle has an ear infection, so we did not do the hearing test - obviously, she would have flunked. We will try and schedule one again soon to learn if she is going to need tubes in her ears. Tonight, her humidifier is filled with vapo-steam. We mixed it according to the bottle, but I can feel my eyes burning in the dining room, so I think we're going to have to dilute it some more!
Over the weekend, Elle suddenly was no longer afraid of the vacuum as you can see from this video. Before, she didn't even like seeing in parked in the closet. Now, its no big deal at all. Another first was that she chewed gum for a long time on Friday. We tried it again on Sunday, but when she was sneaking potato chips without Daddy knowing, she also swallowed her gum in the haste. Not good and we won't be doing gum again any time soon. Another new thing happened today - she was not afraid of the loud flushing toilets at Target and the clinic. In fact, she pushed the button on one without being prompted, and even watched the water go down. Suddenly, it was no big deal.
In the photos, the first is Elle and Daddy pretending to take a nap with the dollies. Elle was making them "fake cry". It was too funny as she'd never done that before. The second is Elle "wearing" Bryant's jeans tonight. A little size difference, don't you think?
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