Well, Friday was another night of High School Basketball and more bleacher butt. Bryant did a nice job and even got to play for a while in the A-Team game. Not bad for a Freshman! Conlee and Dayton (along with their parents) came to cheer him on too. Of course, Grampa and Grama were in the stands too as they rarely miss any of the boys' events.
Saturday, Ken and Bryant had another forensics meet. Forensics here does not involve cadaviers or crime scene investigations - well, not necessarily anyway (unless it was part of their act). The forensics I am talking about is another term for drama and acting. Bryant did a prose piece about two cows trying to drive the farmer's tractor. Some of the other high school students do duets, humerous solos, informative speeches, improptu duet acting, extemporaneous speaking, serious solos, or poetry. Bryant placed fifth in the first round, third in his second round, and he got second in the third round, but did not break into finals. He keeps improving, so maybe at the next meet, he will pull out a victory! The team represented the school very well and brought home third place. It was great!
After the forensics meet, we headed to a Chinese New Years party (CNY) with other families who have adopted children from China. There were also college students in attendance who were from China. It was good time. I believe there were at least 65 people there - making for a wild time when you realize that probably 40 of those were under the age of fifteen!
Before we could get to the party, however, we had an incident with the police when the car keys accidentally got locked in the trunk of the car. It was not funny at the time, but it is certainly a hilarious story now! In addition, Elle reached a milestone last night - she mastered sucking out of a straw. We have tried from day one to get her to do it, but she was never able. We could get her to blow bubbles, but never suck a liquid up the straw. We just came to the conclusion that because of the hole in the roof of her mouth, she wasn't able to do it - but she was certainly drinking that way last night!
Today, we stayed home from church. I have no voice left and Ken's comes and goes. Everyone is still fighting the runny noses and coughs, so maybe with a day of Lysol spraying and washing bedding, we can get ahead of the germs a little bit.
Tomorrow, Elle will spend the day with Grama and Grampa hauling cows. The babysitter is on vacation this week. The next four days, she will spend with a co-worker of mine. She has four children, but two will be at home with she and Elle during the day. They are four year old twin girls, so I'm sure the three of them will have a blast! Tuesday is another home basketball game. Friday will be the last regular game of the high school season before Regional Play Offs begin.
Here is a video of Elle doing another one of her favorite phrases "Ready, Set, Go!" There are also some pix of last night. The first is Elle on the drive down. The next photo it Elle and Daddy. Then Bryant watching Madi write "Bryant loves...." and adding a girl's name to her page. Madi's sister, Emy, is in the next photo. She is writing Bryant's detention slip. Last, but not least is Elle again. We realized that the videos are dark and there is nothing we can do about that - its because the flash does not come on while we are making a video... so, sometimes you will have to use your imagination just a little bit. SORRY!