Sunday, April 18, 2010

Guess I'm Still Not Done...

Somehow, I thought that I had finished posting all the photos from our NYC/DC trip on here, but as I opened it today to post Prom 2010 pix, I see that I really am not done. SORRY! Jeesh, that's been close to a month ago already. Where in the world has time gone?? I will go ahead and post some other photos then, and return to the NYC/DC trip again later. So sorry for being such a disorganized slacker. If you could see my house (that appears to have been involved with an earthquake given all the junk scattered everywhere) and realize how far behind I am with everything else, it wouldn't even surprise you.

1 comment:

momwithfaithandhope said...

Thank you for sharing your blog. Elle is a doll, and the song you have on your blog is the song that carried me through the adoption of our second child, first daughter, from Taiwan. I can hardly believe we're coming up on 4 years since we were logged in, and still have a ways to go, but I'm fully trusting Him to bring home Morgan when the time is right! I think it took me this long to get that point! LOL