Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy May Day 2008

I know, I know.... I am slipping and not posting nearly often enough anymore. The world has been a wee bit crazy as of late - track meets, EMS classes, several trainings out of town, confirmation classes, soccer games, birthday parties, EMS classes, immunization appointments, school concerts, and oh, did I mention EMS classes? We are all trying to keep our heads above water and get to the end of the school year. The boys have about 13 days left before they are done - and each day will be as busy as the past two weeks already have been. More EMS classes, track meets, awards banquets at school, EMS meetings, school music programs, American Legion Meetings, several graduations, field trips, EMS classes, Confirmation Sunday, State Speech Festival/Contest, and yes, even more EMS classes. I don't even know if I have any new photos to post, I will have to look when I have a spare minute or two. Maybe sometime in June I can catch my breath .... :-).

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