Bryant had another forensics meet yesterday. He had a great following of supportive family - my sister, her husband, their two little boys, my mom, Alex, Elle, and I. Ken was there too (of course, he's the coach). Grampa had debated about coming, but we were unsure if he'd make Bryant too nervous :-) so he stayed home. Bryant's piece is a story about two cows that attempt to steal the farmer's tractor. It is cute and Elle loved hearing his voices. Her eyes were huge until she got restless and then, wanted to start squirming around.
I "borrowed" the photo above from the school's webpage. Its Bryant and Conlee taking a break (AKA iPod) between performances.
Bryant did a nice job yesterday, but the competition was tough, so he didn't place in finals as he did last weekend. He and Ken are at another meet today. Its the last one of the regular season. On April 14, we'll have an evening performance at the school so that all the students can share their pieces with the community. That will be good practice for them before State Competition on May 3rd.