Friday, July 13, 2007

From the Beginning

Greetings to you -

Our journey starts about nineteen years ago .... with infertility treatments and tests. After a miscarriage and two years of heartbreak and dashed hopes, we decided to get off the roller coaster and onto a new ride - adoption. We began searching for a domestic agency and started the home study process. After talking with a friend, we learned of a physician about an hour away who was having great success with a new treatment. We thought that it would not hurt to get his advice/opinion, so we made an appointment. At the first visit, he told us that he saw no reason why we would not be able to conceive a child of our own, so we pushed ahead. We were pregnant the first cycle! We were eventually blessed with two little boys who have since grown into teenagers (need I say more?). The adoption discussion, however, was always a part of our relationship, but the timing never felt quite right. We had many experiences which continued to lead us back to the fact that God wanted us to do this. About two years ago, it became even more evident, so we moved ahead with an international adoption - to add a daughter to our family. At this point, we are taking the last steps to go get our daughter from China. We invite you to come along with us!



Julie said...

This is fantastic!... :)

kenehrke said...

Wonderful blog! I was honored to travel with a dear friend to China to adopt the most beautiful baby girl in the world in 1995. We remember all to well the WAIT for the mountains of paper work to be approved! Keep praying over the picture and the life that God is holding for your family.
It will be worth all the struggles!
Watching and waiting with your from Texas.
Ken Ehrke