I am vowing to make 2011 less stressful - if not significantly, then by lots of little increments and angles. Each of these is fluid and none are set in stone, thus, I won't be disappointed. Some are even things that can be "crossed off" once they are completed.... See what you think. They will improve my body, mind, and soul. Feel free to offer suggestions or maybe even additional ideas. Maybe some of these will spark a change for you as well! Here are my top nine -
1. I will get the majority of my bills paid as direct withdrawals. Goodness knows that its a stressful, exhausting, thankless task. I am tired of playing the hide and seek game with bills that show up in the mail and then evaporate somewhere in my purse, on the dining room table, by the TV set, into Elle's toybox or who knows where else.
2. I am going to read a joke or cartoon at least once a day. Maxine or Calvin & Hobbes will work fine. I need to have a smile or chuckle each morning.
3. I am going to treat myself to a salon manicure every two weeks. I found an amazing product that lasts without chipping and I'm going to see to it that I keep using it!
4. I am going to continue taking "View From My Car" photos and posting them here. I spend far too much time in a car and have found that paying closer attention to nature and the beauty around me makes the "wasted time" more valuable.
5. I am going to read more books this year than I did last year. Audio books will work too. Some will be filled with knowledge to help me grow as a person, some will be to help me improve my skills as a Hospice Social Worker, and others will be for pure enjoyment.
6. Chocolate. There will be just the right amount of chocolate in my system on a regular basis.
7. I will do the Wii games with my kids whenever I can. Its been great fun over Christmas with lots of laughter and even a little exercise. I am going to keep doing it.
8. I am going to take more pictures of EVERYONE in my family (sorry to all the adults who hate photos of themselves). I want those memories to be captured for the future as time continues to march on.
9. I will cry sometimes - I already know that I have a son graduating from high school and heading off to the big world in 2011. There will be other moments that touch me and I need to know that crying is ok and even expected.
There are my top nine. Again, feel free to offer suggestions and comments! The best to everyone on 2011. Its almost here, so hang on as the ride is ready to begin!!