Sunday, March 14, 2010

Birthday Party

Gatherings always seem to include Elle and Dayton using the doll stroller to give each other rides - its getting more and more difficult, however, as each of them are getting too big do to it anymore.
Hungy, Hungry Hipp games.
The not-so-gracious winner of this particular match.More Hungry, Hungry Hippo.
Alex and Karen.
Opening gifts.
Elle and Dayton.
Bug-Eyed Datyon.
Conlee trying to help Dayton with a puzzle - SMILE.
Elle's Birthday Cake - Karen ALWAYS does great work!

Singing and candles.
Dayton "helping".
Princess Elle with her cake.
Bryant and Morgan.

Elle and Granny with the Etch-A-Sketch.

Dayton making sure that Taz gets a clean plate :-).

Dayton is Four. Elle is Five. Dayton - The Rooster.

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